- MATERIAL – Durable double knitted outer fabric with 100% microcell Limestone CR neoprene, more expensive but in fact the best you can get on the market. Excellent durability and insulation far better than other neoprene qualities.
- BACK-ZIP – YKK/BDM metal dryzipper, maximal extended for easy donning and doffing.
- ANATOMICAL FIT – All critical parts concerning mobility, like torso, pre-bent arms and legs have been anatomically designed to enhance the freedom of movement.
- SEALS – Latex at neck and wrists.
- WARM NECK – The unique Warm Neck solution from Waterproof keeps you warmer due to reduced water movement around the neck. Equipped with drain valves and Velcro closing.
- BOOTS – Anatomical DuPont™ Kevlar® reinforced boots. Angled for the best mix of durability and performance, manufactured in a new hard-core tested rubber formula. Kevlar® reinforced front. Moulded fin strap anchor.
- KNEE PADS – Polyurethane knee guards provide hard-core protection without compromising comfort and flexibility.
- ANTI-SLIP – Anti-slip treatment seat provides a non-slip grip and abrasion protection.
- ZIPPER COVER – Provides protection of the dry zipper.
- CHILL GUARD – Keeps your body heat in and your undergarments out of the zipper for trouble-free operation.
- SEAM-FREE CROTCH – The crotch is made in one piece, no seams. This to ensure an excellent durable and comfortable suit.
- SI TECH VALVES – Swivelling inlet valve and an adjustable automatic outlet valve. Provided by SI TECH.
- PLASTIC-FREE PACKAGING – 100% plastic-free packaging in accordance with our vision of no more plastic in the oceans.
- INCLUDED – Dry bag, inflation hose, lubricant and user manual.
Koncept D70 SC je bil razvit na podlagi številnih zahtev potapljaških šol, inštruktorjev in letovišč, ki so želeli trpežno, a varčno suho obleko za izposojo in usposabljanje. D70 SC je osnovna suha obleka iz 3,5 mm neoprena. Odlična je za potapljaške šole in letovišča ter primerna izbira za potapljače začetnike kot model za vstop v svet potapljanja v suhi obleki.
Uporabili smo tri desetletja izkušenj s potapljanjem, da bi našli popoln kompromis, ne glede kakovosti, temveč glede tehničnega videza in oblikovnih značilnosti. Obleka je opremljena s kovinskim suhim zadrgo s pokrovom za zadrgo, tesnili iz lateksa na vratu in zapestju, sistemom Warm Neck, robustnimi in vzdržljivimi škornji ter ventili SI TECH. Kot vse naše obleke je tudi obleka D70 SC zasnovana po anatomskem kroju, pri čemer so vsi kritični deli, ki zadevajo gibljivost, anatomsko oblikovani, da povečajo svobodo gibanja.
Da bi vam obleka ÄŤim bolj ustrezala se pred nakupom posvetujete z nami glede konfiguracije in velikosti suhe obleke. info@cpa.siÂ