TDI is the world’s largest technical diving organization. TDI training programs are designed for more advanced divers and offer Rebreather diving, cave diving and use of breathing gas mixtures. TDI offers courses and certifications for divers and instructors.
Entry level of technical diving for recreational divers who want to use gas mixtures in their dives (in order to extend the dive time and increase safety). Nitrox is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen in various proportions.
Conditions for participation: SDI OWD or equivalent + 18 years (15 years with parental consent)
Diving with Nitrox mixtures is not only technically suitable for all types of recreational and sports diving but is also the basis for Rebreather diving.
Initial level of recreational diving in a closed circuit with Poseidon MkVI / Se7en (rebreather) devices to a depth of 30 m without decompression. Closed-circuit diving apparatus provides a constant partial pressure of oxygen throughout the dive, making diving safer and more economical in terms of the use of respiratory gases. Underwater autonomy is extended up to three hours, there is no dehydration of the diver during dives, diving with such devices is quieter.
Conditions for participation: SDI OWD or equivalent + TDI Nitrox or eq. + 18 years + 20 dives
The course is intended for underwater photographers and researchers who would like to get closer to animals and all divers who would like perform longer and safer dives.